Best Practices to Accelerate Growth in 2022

As we entered 2021, planning for what was to come was uncertain, but as the year progressed, many companies found themselves scaling quickly as the world got back on its feet. However, to succeed and continue to succeed in today's landscape, businesses should focus on three critical best practices going into the coming year.

Push For Automation

Getting backed up and bogged down is probably one of the worst things for a company looking to scale. Something that can be a significant driver for this is manual processes. The faster a company grows, the more bottlenecks increase due to manual processes.

Review the tasks that take up the most time and determine if a program might help. For example, consider implementing DEAR Systems if you're an eCommerce business struggling with inventory management.


There is more data than ever available to business owners with what today's technology offers. Accessing and knowing how to utilize it makes that data worthwhile. This is why we recommend Jirav, a fully customizable dashboard that provides metrics from many company areas. It is user-friendly, informative, and gives access to an unlimited amount of metrics.

Adapt to change quickly

As we referenced, Jirav allows a company to focus on the bigger picture. The data provides insight into areas to focus on as decisions are made. However, to effectively execute these actions, businesses need to adapt quickly. Therefore, when changes occur in the data, the company must be ready to shift and adjust.

Over the past year, there has been a constant need to adapt to the ever-changing business landscape. Every business has faced challenges, and it forced business owners to take unique approaches to continue its growth. However, knowing the numbers and the automation to back it can position a company to adapt to any changes better than ever.

Automation, data analytics, and being prepared for quick adjustments will set a company up to be ready for any changes and allow them to stay ahead of the curve. 2021 initially brought a lot of uncertainty, but as the year shaped up, it turned into an example of why preparing to hit the ground running in 2022 is critical.

For more information on how Basis 365 can help with other accounting and bookkeeping needs, reach out today.


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