Spend Smarter and Save with Divvy

Spend and free are typically two words that you don't hear in the same sentence. However, those two words best describe a new industry-disrupting app that will forever change the way business look at expense reports.

What is Divvy?

Divvy is a free cloud-based expense management solution for businesses. Divvy assists businesses by tracking and categorizing every company expense as it happens. Employees can request funds, and budget owners and grant access and create personalized budgets to see where funds go. This allows users to manage budgets for specific events or entire departments. Recurring budgets can be set and renew automatically, with one-off budgets created as needed.

What does Divvy do?

  • It saves trees! Divvy eliminates the need for a paper trail record.

  • Need photos of your receipts for records? Divvy does that!

  • Never miss a transaction - with Divvy tracks everything - including overspending

  • Save time and money

Review and Save

Implementing an expense reporting tool is essential to a successful business. Divvy can scale with you as you grow. While we are still trying Divvy out - so far we think it's pretty great and the perfect solution for any growing business.

For more information or arrange a demo email us at hello@basis365.com
And, we'll show you how Divvy can change the way your business looks at budgets and expenses.


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